Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Columbus Unscripted: Columbus' First-Ever Improv Festival

I'm sure most of you already know that I'm helping organize an improv festival called Columbus Unscripted. I'm pretty excited for our troupe. This is a big undertaking and we're all pitching in to help make it a great time.  I have been performing and studying improv for about 10 years. I've performed to crowds of 1 and 100. Hopefully, this year will be the biggest crowd yet. Through a generous grant from the Greater Columbus Arts Council, we're providing FREE workshops for children and adults. I'm a firm believer that ANYONE can improvise. Even if you don't want to be a performer, I guarantee it will help you improve public speaking. I'm no longer nervous to give presentations at work! I'm attaching a schedule of the weekend's events. Contact me if you want to learn more. I hope to see you there!
Saturday August 20, 2011
9:00am - 11:30am
Children’s and Adult’s Basic Improv Workshops (No previous improv experience is necessary for these workshops)
9:00am - 10:30am
Workshop A: Grades 3-5 Instructor Amanda Aring (No fee, limit 15 participants)
Workshop B: Grades 6-8 Instructor Robin Starr (No fee, limit 15 participants)
Workshop C: Grades 9-12 Instructor Barbara Allen (No fee, limit 15 participants)
Adult Basic Workshop Ages 18+ Instructor Bill Sabo (No fee, limit 18 participants,persons who complete this workshop are eligible to take Megan Grano’s workshops)

10:45am - 11:30am
Skills Showcase Grades 3-12 (Students will show learned skills in a short performance on the Whetstone Community Center Stage.)
Location: Whetstone Community Center
3923 North High Street
Columbus, OH 43214
5:00pm - 7:30pm
Improv Workshop I, with Megan Grano
(Participants must have basic knowledge of scenic improv and have taken basic level improv classes to
enroll in this series of workshops)
Cost is $50 per workshop or $95 for both workshops, limited to 18 participants
8:00pm - 10:00pm
“Messing With A Friend” Susan Messing performs her signature show* with her very
special friend Megan Grano.**
“See You Thursday”*** will open for “Messing With A Friend”
Tickets for the show are general admission and are $15.00 and can be purchased online, at the door or
from any member of “See You Thursday”
Please note, there is an additional surcharge for online purchase. If the show is sold out you will be
notified immediately and you will receive a full refund.Seating is limited. You may reserve you ticket by purchasing online or by sending check or money order made payable to:
Pull The String Productions, Inc.
8203 Snowhill Ct.
Westerville, OH 4308
Location: The Roth-Ressler Theatre
The Jewish Community Center Greater Columbus Ohio
1125 College Ave.
Columbus, OH 43209
*”Messing With A Friend” is a production of The Annoyance Theatre in Chicago and can be seen there
every Thursday night.
** Megan Grano performs weekly at io West, and Second City, Hollywood.
*** “See You Thursday” performs two Fridays per Month at the Wild Goose Creative in Columbus.
Sunday August 21, 2011
1:00pm - 3:30pm
Improv Workshop II. with Megan Grano.
(Participants must have basic knowledge of scenic improv and have taken basic level improv classes to
enroll in this series of workshops). Cost is $50 per workshop or $95 for both workshops, limited to 18 participants.
Location: Community Capital Development Corporation
900 Michigan St.
Columbus, Ohio 43215
5:00pm - 7:00pm Troupe Reception
The reception is free but will be ticketed and reservations must be made online or by personal invitation.
Ticket quantities are limited.
7:00pm - 11:00PM Local and Regional Improv Showcase.
Local troupes will perform throughout the evening and include:
“Angry Ladies of Improv” All female guest troupe from Cleveland Ohio
“Dixie Cups” All female troupe from Columbus Ohio
“Dutch Company” Columbus Ohio
“Fishbowl” Columbus Ohio
“Not From Concentrate” Columbus Ohio
“Parkprov” Columbus Ohio
“PTSP Level I Improv Class (premier performance) Columbus Ohio
(As of 7/23/2011, there are a few spots remaining for the showcase. There is a $20 per troupe fee to
participate. This fee includes the pre-show reception and two tickets to the showcase)
Tickets for the showcase are general admission and are $5.00 they can be purchased online, at the door
or from any member of “See You Thursday”. Seating is limited. You may reserve you ticket by
purchasing online or by sending check or money order made payable to:
Pull The String Productions, Inc.
8203 Snowhill Ct.
Westerville, OH 43081
If the show is sold out you will be notified immediately and you will receive a full refund.
Location: The Wild Goose Creative
2491 Summit St.
Columbus, OH 43202
For further information or to make reservations please contact Pull The String Productions, Inc. at:
Phone: 614-846-0205
email: info@pullthestring.net
Web site: www.columbusunscripted.comThe events of the Columbus Unscripted weekend are made possible in part by a generous grant from the
Greater Columbus Arts Council. Funded by the Franklin County Commissioners.
Also ,by and in partnership with Columbus Parks and Recreation, Whetstone Community center.
And by The Community Capital Development Corporation